
    LIVIN Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization. It is because of generous donors like you that we are able to continue impacting lives. 89% of our funds raised go directly back into the organization to support programs like; LivinConnected (mental health support platform with a human touch), Camp LIVIN, LIVIN Music Festival, educational seminars, speaking engagements and financial grants. We are grateful for all of the support! *A portion of all donations received will be allocated toward operational expenses for the organization in order to keep changing lives.

    Several ways to donate YOUR way:
    • Donate Online (Donate Here)
    • Text to Give (info below)
    • Donate via Check made payable to LIVIN Foundation mailed to PO Box 652, Anoka, MN 55303.


    Grant request inquiry

    Thank you for your feedback! We truly believe that we are better when we work together!

    #LIVIN Merchandise
    and Swag

    Powerful & Inspirational Program

    Kids Daytime Play Zone

    Cornhole Tournament

    BBQ Competition


    Food Trucks

